SMART Recovery Australia Executive Director Ryan McGlaughlin’s End Of Year Reflection

2019 was a huge year for SMART Recovery Australia. Our growing community has helped more people than ever before realise their potential and overcome addictive behaviours. 

Over the past year, we have accomplished some amazing things.

2019 started with SMART Recovery Australia’s Chairperson Anthony Wales AM becoming a recipient of the Order of Australia on Australia Day. This was for his longstanding commitment to SMART Recovery and other charitable pursuits. SRAU has been able to grow and have much more impact due to the generosity and support of the Wales Family. 

The SMART Program continues to be utilised by more Australians and New Zealanders every year. There are now 355 weekly meetings, which is an increase of 61 over the 294 groups at the end of 2018. This represents over 2,000 people attending weekly meetings. We grew our online meetings, and now have 5 each week. We successfully launched online facilitator training to supplement the premium face-to-face training, ensuring that there are no barriers because cost or locality. We are pleased that a weekly meeting for family and friends has commenced in Surry Hills, New South Wales to add to the number of meetings of our award winning family and friends program. A manual for family and friends was produced this year as a self-help book for people affected by the addictive behaviour of someone close to them.

To find out more go to SMART Recovery Australia website




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