The use of Australian SMART Recovery groups by people who use methamphetamine: Analysis of routinely-collected nationwide data

Mutual support groups (e.g. SMART Recovery) are an important source of support for people experiencing addictive behaviours. Little is known about the use of mutual support groups by people who use methamphetamine, or the factors that may influence group cohesion.

This study improves current understanding of service utilisation by people who use methamphetamine. SMART Recovery groups offer an avenue for supporting a diverse range of people who use methamphetamine, outside the formal treatment system. This provides an important foundation for improving community support options for people who use methamphetamine.

Beck AK, Larance B, Deane FP, Baker AL, Manning V, Hides, Sharkeshaft A, Argent A, Kelly, PJ. (2021) The use of Australian SMART Recovery groups by people who use methamphetamine: Analysis of routinely-collected nationwide data. Drug Alcohol Dependence, 225, 1 August 2021. 

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Kim McCreanor